Indeed, I do agree with you. War in Ukraine is showing many new realities. Most of us thought that cyberattacks would be a fatal enemy, or that Russia would not survive without oil exports.

In case of UAVs, I think that many countries practised with them in less media covered conflicts, such in Sudan or Ethiopia. Enemy and us are always trying new ideas.

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The law of nature teaches us that it is much more expensive to achieve something than to pretend it. Animals are equipped with plumage and movements to appear larger than they are. For example, primates do this by making deeper sounds than would be expected for their body size. It is already said that the first victim of war is information, so it is possible, as you say, that where AI is boasted we only have a lot of propaganda.

However, I think this issue is not only about getting better positions through propaganda. The war in Ukraine could be, as happened with the Spanish Civil War in the XX century previous to the WWII, a testing ground for future conflicts on a larger scale, for example around Taiwan.

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